Rugs and carpets are a language; they speak to us through their many warps and wefts, and for those who know how to listen, this is a magnificent story of love and endurance or a very long time.

As soon as the human beings settled down and started living outside the caves, they must have started to think about creating something they could put on the floor and sat on it; this might have had a plentiful of reasons such as getting more comfortable at a place, having a place a bit cleaner than the other parts of the house where they can easily eat or sleep. It might have also helped them a lot in keeping warmer at nights and during the cold seasons. 

Which one of these reasons is true, or all of them being applicable altogether, the result remains the same; human beings started to think about what in their surroundings exists that can be used to create something, and that something has come such a long way to be what it is today, a carpet.

Persian Carpet